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大理石跳棋 立即下载



Marble Solitaire Lite是一款跳棋游戏,相信跳棋大家都会玩,游戏的玩法和大理石跳棋一样。那本小编就偷懒点不介绍玩法咯,小编来介绍游戏的目的,游戏的目的是让棋盘上最后只能剩下一颗棋子,游戏才算过关。

Marble Solitaire is a fun 1 player game based on the popular chinese board & marble game known as solitaire and Hi-Q. The object of the game is to remove as many marbles as you can by jumping one over another horizontally vertically. Scoring is based on how many marbles are left on the board. Try to leave only one remaining!
Tap a marble anywhere on the board to start. You can jump marbles by laying your finger on the marble you want to move and dragging it over the marble you want to jump. Or alternatively, tapping the marble you want to move and tapping the spot you would like to move the marble to. If you attempt to move a marble that is not in a position to be moved, the game will show you which marbles are available to be moved. The game ends when there are no more marbles to jump.

To add to the challenge, Marble Solitaire features 12 different board layouts to test your skills. Master them all!.

Also featured are 6 visual and audio themes, including:
- classic
- zen
- beach
- watercolor
- modern


  • 大理石跳棋
  • 大理石跳棋
  • 大理石跳棋
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